Our technology


KMD-03 is a sub-contact analogue of KMD-01M and is intended for diagnostics of ground pipelines, tanks and other metal structures. The operating principle of the device is based on measuring the magnetic field with fourteen linearly located magnetic field sensors. Such configuration of sensors allows to get an area picture of magnetic induction lines distribution and localize defects with high accuracy.  

System KMD-03:

  1. Is completely passive - they do not emit electromagnetic or other radiation and have no effect on the object under investigation;
  2. Does not require changing the pumping mode of the product
  3. Does not require pipeline preparation for inspection.


In the course of diagnostics, the operator moves the complex vertically along the entire circumference of the pipeline, receiving a map of the magnetization of the pipe, corresponding to the capture strip of the device. At detection of areas of change of a magnetic field, the expert allocates them with a marker directly on a body of the pipeline. Further, the selected areas are carefully examined by standard methods of nondestructive testing to determine the type of defect detected and the exact wall thickness of the pipeline in this place. Based on the results of the work, a report on the technical condition of the pipeline is prepared.

Specifications KMD-03:

  • Overall dimensions, mm: 500х80х40; 
  • Weight, kg: 2.0; 
  • The operator's speed, m/sec: up to 0.1;
  • Scanning step, cm: from 0.1;
  • The diameters of the pipelines inspected, mm: 159-1420;
  • The diameters of the tanks inspected: Any (no limits);
  • The wall thickness of the pipe, mm: 3.0-50;
  • Operating temperature range: from -35о С to +50о С
  • Connecting the IBM PC: through the USB or RS-485 interface; 
  • Level of protection: IP-66; 
  • Power supply: From the internal battery;
  • Continuous working time: at least 8 hours.

Additional technical information abouttheKMD-03:

Type of sensors (primary transducers)
Sub-contact sensors of the magnetic field 
Amount of sensors
Amount of measured parameters of the magnetic field
1 in 14 points
Sampling speed
Types of detectable defects
  • Metal loss (internal or external corrosion: local corrosion pits, groove corrosion);

  • Crack-like defects (cracks, including SCC, folds, blister, guide marks);

  • Discontinuity (lamination, non-metallic inclusions); Weld joints defects;

  • Change in geometry (dents, corrugation);

  • Anomalies of stress-deformed state (sections with sags, deflections, karsts and landslip phenomena);

  • Other defects causes changing of the magnetic field
Depth of detectable defects
Starting from 15 to 100 % of pipe wall thickness
Requirements to the surface under inspection
Preparation of the surface and changes in pipeline operation mode - Not required
Rate of inspection
Up to 150 m2/day
Admissible distance between the magnetometer and a the inspected surface
Up to 40 mm

Certificates & Licenses

  • Russian Federation utility model patent "Magnetic flaw detector for inspection of metal pipelines";
  • Russian Federation utility model patent "Device for noncontact detection of presence and a site of defects of the metal pipeline";
  • Russian Federation utility model patent "Magnetic flaw detector for the control of underground metal pipelines";
  • Russian Federation utility model patent "Device for determination of a place of damage of isolation of the magistral pipelines";
  • Russian Federation utility model patent "Device for determination of the route, depth and deflection of the main pipeline";
  • Certificate of state registration of the program for computer "Program for receiving, saving and displaying in real time the data of magnetometric diagnostics of KMD-01M complex (VIZOR);
  • Certificate of state registration of the KMD-01M Magnetometric Diagnostics Data Processing Program created by VIZOR (POSTVIZOR) software;
  • Certificate of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology No. ROSS (РОСС) RU MH05.H00176 No. 0260596, according to which "KMD-01M complex meets the requirements of regulatory documents";
  • Declaration of the Customs Union TC No. RU D-RU.OM02.B.09802 on conformity of the complexes of magnetometric diagnostics of pipelines of KMD series to the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union ТР TC 004/2011 "On the safety of low-voltage equipment" and ТР TC 020/2011 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means".

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