KMD-01 is designed for non-contact magnetometric diagnostics of underground pipelines.
Systems of non-contact magnetometric diagnostics are developed on the basis of three-component magnetoresistive nanofilm sensors allowing to measure conditions of high electromagnetic interferences.
KMD-02D is designed for non-contact magnetometric diagnostics of subsea pipelines at depths up to 60 meters.
Systems of non-contact magnetometric diagnostics are developed on the basis of three-component magnetoresistive nanofilm sensors that allow to measure conditions of high electromagnetic interferences.
KMD-02R is designed for non-contact magnetometer diagnostics of underwater pipelines at depths up to 1200 m. Complexes of non-contact diagnostics are developed on the basis of three-component magnetoresistive nanofilm sensors that allow to measure conditions of high electromagnetic interference.
KMD-03 is a sub-contact analogue of KMD-01M and is intended for diagnostics of ground pipelines, tanks and other metal structures.
The operating principle of the device is based on measuring the magnetic field with fourteen linearly located magnetic field sensors. Such configuration of sensors allows to get an area picture of magnetic induction lines distribution and localize defects with high accuracy.